I'll be in NC for the holidays. And, while I had high hopes of getting Chapter Four posted, I got busy and tired, so that's been delayed. Never fear. Chapter Four: The Battle Hymn of the Fifty-Foot David Bowie is well underway, and will be appearing here soon. However, I would like to briefly relate something, if I may. Poncho's is a real place in Asheville, NC, or it was. I don't know if it's still there or not. Anyway, it is/was a Mexican restaurant that features/featured a buffet. I don't think anyone ever played live music there. That's purely my invention. And, my Nanny and Pap-paw used to take me there often when I visited, and one time, when I was eight-years-old, we were there for lunch, and they had this fruit cocktail thing on the buffet. I remember that the fruit tasted a little odd, but kind of good too, and I remember getting really happy, then really sleepy. I found out later that the fruit had apparently been allowed to ferment, and that I had eaten enough before my grandparents could catch on to be truly drunk off my ass. That's right. Eight-years-old . . . Drunk off my ass. This reminds me of another time at the beach when my mom got her Pina Colada and my virgin one switched, and I got very happy and sleepy. That's right. Ten-years-old . . . Drunk off my ass. On that note, have a very HAPPY Whatever that you might be celebrating at this time of year. I'll see you soon.
Love, Amy
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